Saturday, December 12, 2020

Rope training★縄の修行

Lessons, Practice, and Discipline("Tanren") 訓練と練習と鍛錬

At the end of the year and the beginning of the new year, we will have the pleasure of a workshop series by Karada House! [See below for details]
Before learning this workshop series "Fundamentals of Kanna-ryu", we would like to introduce you to the journey of Kanna-ryu's rope "shugyo(training)".

*This is my(Kagura's) own verbalization what Kanna usually tells our students and "deshi(pupils)", with questions and doubts that our students usually ask, plus something extra Japan information.
*Please note that some things are general and some things may vary from school to school and teacher to teacher.


The basics are important for any person.
The importance of the fundamentals must be grasped, not neglected, and carefully implemented, to ensure that the applications that build on them are solid.

When we think of workshops and lessons, we tend to focus only on learning new knowledge and shibari patterns, but the real purpose is to be able to practice what we have learned.

In order to practice techniques, whether it is for work or a hobby, it is naturally essential to repeat it over and over again, and review is also essential.
The technique is still in the practice stage when you are thinking about it, but whether you can do it unconsciously, accurately, and quickly depends on your "Tanren(discipline/training)".
Once you reach a certain level of mastery, you won't forget most things, it will take less time, you will make fewer mistakes, you will be able to pay more attention to details and other things (partners, communication, etc.), and you will be able to prepare for and respond to the unexpected irregular.

In Kanna-ryu, we do not have a "kyu" system of certification or examinations, nor do we have a "certificate" system.
The difficulty level of shibari patterns may indeed vary from one to another, but it also depends on the diversity of each student (such as proficiency level, strengths and weaknesses, preference, and purpose).
There are times when we are asked to set the minimum level of knowledge and requirements for teaching in a group.
But basically, there are only two types of people in Kanna-ryu: novices and experienced students, and students and deshi(pupils).
There is no way to categorize who or what shibari are at what level.
*"Qualifications" and "diplomas" are only given to deshi(pupils).

Especially since shibari is a joint act between humans,
there is no often such a thing as a "perfect shibari" where both you and your partner feel a perfect sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.
We will always find challenges.

And if the partner or conditions changes, it is the beginning of a new journey of shibari all over again.
We think one of the best parts of shibari is "mujo(impermanence)", the fact that what is consisted in certain conditions can disappear again if the conditions change.

Only one miraculous good result is not a real ability.
If the skill level is the average of several times of the same shibari under various conditions, we can aim to reduce the unevenness and unstableness, and improve the average.
Even though it is an objective evaluation of the technical aspects, it is a subjective evaluation by the evaluator(teacher), so it does not guarantee anything except for the deshi.
It is only a self-evaluation, so to improve our learning, we need not only technical skills but also self-evaluation skills.
Lessons with skilled students in particular will reinforce the content of the mental instruction.
We also believe that, for example, under any circumstances, a professional's work is to minimize risk and, even at worst, keep performance above the expected level of the client and customer at all times and in a stable.

Even if we repeat the practice, the quality is important and depends on how focused we are.
It is meaningless to repeat the practice without thinking it through, so we have to be strict with ourselves and identify the causes of the results that we feel are not good enough (why can't we do it?) and how to improve them (how can we do it? what do we need?), and then we repeat this process endlessly with a level of concentration that wears out our mind.
Even if we think we are doing our best, it is important to calmly and objectively look at whether we are making the right (productive) effort or not, and whether it is a high quality effort or not.
Professionals, in particular, need to have this standard much higher than amateurs.

Whether it is a hobby or a job, professional or amateur, if we feel that we have enough and are satisfied with the present conditions, our growth will stop.
No growth, in other words, means degrading rather than maintaining the present conditions.
It's about whether we can face ourselves, put pressure on ourselves, and persistently work on things we're not good at, without getting caught up in a sense of accomplishment, satisfaction, or fulfillment.

From the Buddhist point of view (Zen thought), the Buddha does not allow his deshi(disciples) to be satisfied and recommends that they practice as hard as they can.
Kanna does the same for deshi(pupils).
*Basically, Japanese people are naturally familiar with the ideas, customs, and events of Japanese Buddhism (Shintoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, etc.), which have become part of our common sense and culture.

In Japan, it is often said that you are only "hanninmae(half a person)" when you take care of yourself, and you are "ichininmae(full-fledged person)" when you can take care of others.
It's the same in shibari, and the real starting point is when you become "ichininmae(full-fledged person)" [second-rate] enough to be able to handle things to a certain extent.
Those who can continue their efforts with curiosity and passions of the time when they are "hanninmae(half a person)" [third-rate] are the ones who can become an expert[first-rate].

*This is a question we are often asked, and we think of a "professional" as someone who gets paid, even if they do not make a living.
Since "first-rate" is an objective evaluation, the criteria for judging it differ from person to person, so there are "first-rate amateurs" and "third-rate professionals.

*We are often asked about the difference between "sensei(teacher) and seito(student)" and "shishō(master) and deshi(pupil)".
In a "shitei(master and pupil)" relationship, with a few exceptions, there is basically only one master for the pupil.
In a teacher-student relationship, many students are taught by only one particular teacher, but in general, students can be taught by more than one teacher.
A "shitei(master-pupil)" relationship is a human relationship in which the pupil volunteers, the master accepts, and a relationship is formed.
The master has the responsibility to raise the pupil to be a "Ichininmae(full-fledged)".
There is no difference in the act of teaching itself, but the range of teaching content is very different.
We teach to our students the techniques of means how to tie and torture, but we pass the skill of ability down our pupils to hand down to their students.
Skills are inherent in people and cannot be reproduced by sight because those are not directly visible, and skills are subjective and are cultivated through experience based on one's own senses and sensibilities, so different people have different skills.

There are many things in shibari that cannot be shared or taught, that cannot be conveyed in words or writing.
It is difficult to pass it on from one person to another, and it is not the same for everyone, because we have to learn it through repetition and practice.

In the course of repeated practice, there are many cases where, due to our own misinterpretations and misunderstandings, we have moved quite far away from what we were initially taught without realizing it.
In this case, it is also important to find out the cause of the wrong interpretation individually.
And it is not uncommon for people to make mistakes based on their one-sided belief, and end up practicing in their own way and developing strange habits that they can't get back.

To avoid this, the shortcut to improvement is to first study the basics properly.
This is why we have classes and lessons, where we can train.
In order to make sure that there are no misunderstandings, we have a question time to clarify any doubts and reconfirmations for those who have experience.

You can check whether your own interpretation is correct or not in individual lessons, but even if it is wrong, it is important to think it over and go through trial and error first.
If you are not passively tying up what you have learned as you have been taught, but actively tying up what you have learned, thinking about it with your own mind, asking questions and doubts, then you will be able to read more and more "nawa-suji(rope lines)" and gain the ability to use the knowledge you have gained.

Thinking seriously will help you find your own issues, sort out and analyze the problems, and come up with your own answers, creating your own unique shibari with your own personal touch.
This is the true pleasure of shibari, and we believe it is the ultimate goal.
The final stage of learning to shibari is where you can use your knowledge, skills, and ability to think to achieve for "what is the purpose of shibari?"

By taking a fresh look at the basics,
for beginners, it will prepare you for your first practice, and for experienced students, it will allow you to gain a deeper understanding of things you may have overlooked or not fully understood when you were first taught, depending on your efforts and growth.

There is a difference between "knowing" and "understanding" (knowledge and awareness), and there is also a difference between "trying," "being able to do," and "doing" (experience, practice, and habit).
Through understanding and practice, we hope that students will develop and sublimate from knowledge to skills, and from "I can do it" to "I acquire it (make it my own).

Even though we have been doing shibari for a long time, it doesn't mean that we only practice and use difficult shibari.
While remembering the importance of the basics, we hope that more people will feel the depth and flavor of shibari more and more each year.

In the first place, age and years of experience increase naturally without effort.
Therefore, anyone can become a full-fledged person (veteran or specialist) after 10 years of work.

However, experience, the practical ability to utilize knowledge and skills, and the humanity to build trusting relationships cannot be acquired without effort.
It means that not everyone can become a first-class (expert) even after 10 years of work.

It is important that we do not rest on our knowledge, abilities, or years of experience (not overconfidently), but rather keep a humble attitude, never forget our "shoshin(initial enthusiasm)" (motivated by curiosity, not confidence), and always make an effort to "hibi shōjin(work harder every day)"!

As people grow, so do their shibari skills.
When we develop our skills, we do so with everything that is within us, so our growth and the development of our skills are one and the same.
There is no end to the learning and "tanren(training)" to improve ourselves to master the "michi(way)", not only by improving our knowledge and skills, but also our personality and humanity which are the foundation.

It's a lifelong practice.
We are sure that in every way, in every world, to master one thing, it is the same thing.



The population of Kinbaku is increasing both domestically and internationally, and the number of teachers and students without tacit knowledge is also increasing.
In Kanna-ryu, we have deshi and devoted students all over the world, and we gather every week online.
Now we strongly feel the need to make tacit knowledge, experiential knowledge, and experience that have not been expressed in a visible form, such as skills, knowledge, and attitudes, visible, clear, and verbalized (in Japanese and English) as formal knowledge, so that information can be shared and transmission can be further strengthened.
This time, it is one of the activities (or rather, challenges for me).

It is incredibly difficult to verbalize abstract concepts and thoughts and translate into English, but I hope this could help you understand Kanna's thought and Japanese idea even a little better.



【Fundamentals of Kanna style|神凪流の基礎】
⏰🇯🇵9PM-11PM|🇦🇺(ACDT)10:30PM-0:30AM|🇪🇺2PM-4PM|🇺🇸(PST)4AM-6AM (EST)7AM-9AM
Participation by a single person is also welcome💕おひとり様での見学参加も歓迎🙆‍♀️
If you can't attend on the day, you can still watch the video for 30 days❣️当日参加出来なくても30日間🎦ご視聴可能👍✨
Classes are in Japanese and English with an translator Kako-san❤ クラスは日本語と通訳さんによる英語です📣💭

🌟Sat DEC 19 Learning Tension with Hishi |12/19 菱縛りでのテンション学習
🌟Sat DEC 26 Understanding TK's and shibari principles |12/26 高手小手と縛りの原則の理解
🌟Sat JAN 9 Restriction in Kinbaku |1/9 緊縛における拘束
🌟Sat JAN 16 Semenawa with Hojo |1/16 捕縄での責め縄

All details & Tickets 詳細&チケット購入:

Looks like tickets for the series (all four classes) are sold out! Thank you so much!!
But there are few single class tickets left! Please secure your tickets as soon as possible.

Although this year's holiday season is going to be unusual due to the corona pandemic, we hope to have a great time with all rope lovers through this workshop💖✨

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