Saturday, March 13, 2021

History and diversification of Kinbaku★緊縛の歴史と多様性

KAWAHARA Azumi points out the academic problems with the research misconduct and the content of the presentation at the Kinbaku symposium at Kyoto University, which was held last October. 
She is a university lecturer researching modern and contemporary sexuality and BDSM related to sadomasochism in Japan, and also one of the few researchers in Japan who have presented papers on domestic SM and Kinbaku.
河原 梓水さんにより、指摘されています。

As for this symposium, even on the net
◾︎Right or wrong of the Kinbaku show in the university authority
◾︎Right or wrong of treating Kinbaku as an academic subject
◾︎Whether Kinbaku is a discrimination about women or not
◾︎Critique of female discrimination
◾︎About freedom of learning
These discussions jumped out from the Kinbaku scene and developed to in the general society.

We didn't see the symposium directly, but we didn't agree with those arguments, so we only expressed our gratitude for the challenge of researching and presenting Kinbaku as an academic study under the authority of a national university, on Twitter as the persons involved with Kinbaku.

However, Kawahara-san's argument brought up the issues in a completely different direction.

We don't agree on everything, (Kawahara-san's personal opinion was included, so aside from her comments, we completely agree with the issues she pointed out.)
but she has verbalized what we have been feeling from an expert's perspective.

Here's a link to the issues in Japanese.

She points out academic errors and research misconduct (plagiarism) in the content of the report, as well as the perpetration of research ethics by the organizers on the Kinbaku parties.
She also points out None of the researchers who presented at the Kinbaku symposium had studied previous research on Kinbaku and SM, and were like amateurs.
◾︎Of the four presenters, one made a report that had nothing to do with Kinbaku in the first place.
◾︎The two presenters reported by copying the whole thing from the previous literature, but they did not specify the source, which is generally called plagiarism.
◾︎ The last one's report was also not a Kinbaku study, as it merely replaced the subject of the presenter's previous philosophical research with Kinbaku.
It is disguised as an academic study, but it is extremely poor in scholarship because it discusses Kinbaku based on misconceptions.
To this day, DEGUCHI Yasuo, who is the organizer of this event and a professor at Kyoto Univ., has not mentioned any of her criticisms, even though she has emailed him directly.
And they have not taken any action to apologize or correct the plagiarism and misinformation she pointed out.

As for us, we were particularly interested in
◾︎The point that many factual errors and inaccuracies are included in the "The beauty of Kinbaku" of Master K's book, which was quoted entirely for the history of bondage in the symposium ←(We've been pointing this out for a while now, but if it's used in this way, the distortions and problems become bigger... We'd at least like presenters in research to verify before using it.)
◾︎The difference between the main purpose of the event about Kinbaku as art and the style of the Kinbaku show (neither installation nor cyber rope)/The difference between the claims of the Kinbakushi and the model who performed and the organizer's understanding of Kinbaku
(Don't really mislead people with the exploitation of Kinbaku and famous Kinbakushi... the organizer himself is doing a disservice to the performance collaborators and the culture of research subjects...)

We, the parties in Kinbaku, strongly agree that we would like to prevent further propagation of false history with no basis in fact by the publication of this book by prof. Deguchi.

Also, the acquaintances concerned with Kinbaku were also involved in Master K's book which has already been published in the whole world, and we know that a great deal of effort is put.
However, we cannot overlook the reality that this book is studied as a textbook in the Kinbaku scene of foreign countries though it contains biased information and misconception. It's outside our business, but it's involved because we need to recorrect them.

Truth differs greatly depending on one's point of view (position) and interpretation of the same event.
There are also unconscious automatic thoughts caused by linguistic expressions and cultural backgrounds, so it can be different depending on observers, translators, interpreters, writers, and editors.
Especially since Mr. K used English literature as a reference for matters other than Kinbaku and SM.
He did not have enough background understanding of Japanese society and culture in general.

An expert Kawahara-san has written that IT IS A GENERAL BOOK AND NOT A RESEARCH BOOK,
so we would like to raise the question of whether it is appropriate to use it as a textbook, as it may promote distortion of historical facts.

And finally...
There are many theories about the origin of Japanese Kinbaku, and it seems that Akechi-sensei wanted to research it!
In Japan, rope has been used on a daily basis since ancient times, and the art of capture(Hobaku-jutsu) seems to have been in the art of capture(Torite-jutsu) (arrest:Taiho-jutsu) around the medieval Muromachi period (1336-1573).
Although Edo period (1603-1867) Hojō-jutsu(arresting ropes techniques) influenced Showa period (1926-1989) SM, THERE IS BY NO MEANS ANY HISTORICAL EVIDENCE THAT SHOWA SM WAS BORN FROM HOJO-JUTSU.
Also, Hojō Takate Kote, which was researched and invented by AKECHI Denki sensei, originated from Hojō-jutsu.

For better or for worse, Kinbaku is now diversifying,
such as the rise of "Kinbaku that is not SM (sadism and masochism) or DS (domination and submission) from among Kinbaku, and that has become art and de-sexualized", while there is a tendency that only Kinbaku has been watched with keen interest among SM.
Not only in Japan but also in the whole world, from the increase of the Kinbaku population (light layer) and the diversification of Kinbaku (difference of eroticism and other purposes) and the Kinbaku photography and show for the approval desire, etc.
various troubles such as Kinbaku accidents and consent problems have occurred, and those have been revealed by the accusation on SNS.
This has prompted us to change our consciousness and we are in the process of working on it.

As we always tell and write,
What kind of Kinbaku is excellent or right, and whose Kinbaku is excellent or right, it is not the one to compete or to make superiority or inferiority like that, and Kinbaku is not a martial arts either, but Kinbaku could be the one to enjoy in each like fetish, kink, and the art thing.
And we hope that everyone with a rope will treat each other with love (not only sexuality, but compassion), and that everyone who is interested in Kinbaku will be able to enjoy it safely.

Kanna & Kagura, 2021


  1. Thanks for sharing your view on the matter. Hopefully it will stimulate scientific debate and contribute to a converging view on the way kinbaky-as-we-know-it-now has come into being.

  2. Thanks for this !
    Now, were can we find reliable sources on the matter of Kinbaku history ?
