Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Introduction of New Deshi☆新弟子のご紹介

We would like to respectfully inform everyone of the following.

We are pleased to officially welcome Barrett from Salt Lake City, USA as our deshi(disciple/apprentice) in September 2022!

First deshi("Hatsu-deshi"), Raymond, welcomed in January 2018, Seattle, USA (currently closed).

Sparks/Supaku in Adelaide, Australia, welcomed in February 2020

Following them, Barrett became the third deshi("San-ban-deshi") of the Kanna-ryu.

This time, they were issued a permit from us and blessed by their brother-deshi("Ani-deshi") Sparks, who was visiting Japan at the same time for our name-succession ceremony.

The past two years in Japan under the Covid pandemic have been scattered, as it has been difficult to build relationships and bonds with many people.
On the other hand, through online activities, we have been able to renew ties with many people in Japan and abroad, and have strengthened our relationships with them.

Barrett and their partner, Rachel, also originally knew us through Raymond, but began interacting directly with us through online activities in 2020.
We have been interacting via Zoom almost every weekend for about 2 years now.
Unfortunately, the Kinbaku instruction with them was mainly online lessons without face-to-face contact, but we strongly felt their eagerness to learn for making the most of the limited opportunities and the strength of online instruction available, so we accepted their subsequent request for an deshiship, as "deshi-minarai"(apprentice training) until we met in person.
When we visited their Salt Lake City community on our North American tour in May-June 2022, we spent two weeks together, sharing our time and thoughts through face-to-face practice and dialogue, deepening our understanding of each other, discussed again, and confirming their feelings in person, then we decided to accept them as deshi.

We have received other inquiries for deshiships thankfully, but to be honest, it is difficult to accept all of them.
And it is impossible to teach someone who is not capable of understanding (who does not listen to us, except to assert their own opinion).
This could mean a lack of room for self, a lack of serious attempts to understand, overconfidence in oneself, a lack of motivation and ambition to work seriously, a lack of judgment and application to assess the situation, or a lack of interest in others.
These are questionable qualifications to have a rope before teaching others, so we are embarrassed to say that some of whom (including deshi apprentices) were "Hamon"(excommunicated)/"Jomei"or"Joseki"(expelled) before formal approval and announcement, and we feel sorry for the students in their community.

The Shishō(master) accepts the deshi with all hands and is prepared to train them until they dies, so those who have committed social crimes are out of the question, but if there is an attitude and words of remorse and apology, they will not be fired for some wrongdoing or extenuating circumstances, and in most cases, if the deshi has a sense of gratitude and awe toward the shishō, it is unlikely that they will be excommunicated.

We have summarized about the practice of rope in past articles.

It is natural that the will to choose works in the master-disciple("Shitei") relationship, but once initiated, voluntary loyalty is pledged, isn't it?
The technical art inherited by shishō are refined through years of experience and sensitivity, and have a strong character as intangible cultural assets.
In the general art world, the deshi is expected to reproduce exactly what has been handed down, and personal interpretation and modification may not be allowed.
But, in Kanna's view, as taught by Akechi-sensei, it is not necessary to be a copy, but the ideal is to put the rope while watching the other person carefully, so that each style has their own personality, yet still feels somewhat similar.
Nevertheless, the deshi may still begin their training from the point of resemblance to the shishō. It can be said that at the point of no resemblance, they have not even reached the starting point.
In this regard, Barrett is a genuine BDSM player, their sexual preference is close to Kanna's, and their playing style is very similar.
Next to similarity, we might say that the challenge is how to break out of it with their own personality.

We always tell our students/deshi to do their own research and think about the deshiship, because it is always difficult to explain the difference between a teacher(sensei) and a master(shishō).
If a teacher is a person who teaches knowledge, learning, information, etc. in a logical, concrete, and easy-to-understand manner to students gathered by an organization or other means, such as in a workshop, etc.,
a master is a person who, while guiding the human growth, passes on the knowledge and skills acquired through their own experience in a more experiential and intuitive way to the apprentices/disciples who come to adore them.

There is no curriculum, no tests, and the deshi learns by imitation from the shishō's every move. It is NOT the kind of thing where if you pay for it, you have the authority to be taught a highly difficult shibari patterns.
We have recently been thinking that the true way is for deshi to be inspired and permeated through activities and living together, even if silently, as there are no commands, instructions, or coercion.

In the arts, it is often said, "Watch and steal," or "Watching others do it is part of training/practice.
Kinbaku is becoming the universal language of the world, like music.
But, both Kinbaku and Japanese language/culture are high context cultures, so it is important to try to understand the intentions of others.
Spontaneity and independence are especially important for deshi, and we look forward to seeing what and how much they can learn from their non-verbal experiences in Japan and daily life with us, and how they can reflect and incorporate this into their own rope style.

Thankfully, there is a growing number of Kanna-ryu families and Kannawa-kai members who wish to spread and preserve the name and achievements of Akechi-sensei and the enjoyment of Kanna-ryu Kinbaku together.

Kanna-ryu recognition

★Deshi: Raymond Seattle, US
@reighmonde on IG, @Reighemonde on FL, @ReigheMonde on TW

★Deshi: Sparks/Supaku Adelaide, AUSTRALIA
@supaku_resurrection @supaku_shibari on IG, @SupakuRope on TW, Sparks Supaku Rope on FB, @_Sparks_ on FL
@shibari_adelaide on IG, @ShibariAdelaide on FB

★Deshi: Barrett Salt Lake City, US
@barrettfromearth on IG, @earthbarrett on TW, @barrettfromearth on FL
@saltcitykinbaku on IG, @SaltCityKinbaku on FL

★Official Instructor: Mango Ottawa, CANADA
@mango_palta on IG, @mango_palta on TW, @aguacate on FL
@CORE-Ottawa on FL

★Official Studio: Studio Kink Sydney, AUSTRALIA
@studiokinksydney on IG, Studio Kink Sydney on FB, @StudioKink on FL


弟子 レイモンド アメリカ・シアトル
弟子 スパーク オーストラリア・アデレード
弟子 バレット アメリカ・ソルトレイクシティ
公認インストラクター マンゴー カナダ・オタワ
神凪流公認スタジオ Studio Kink オーストラリア・シドニー

We look forward to your continued guidance and encouragement, and we sincerely appreciate your patronage and support.

令和4年10月5日 明智 神凪
Akechi Kanna October 5, 2022

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