Sunday, September 25, 2022

襲名いたしました From Akechi Kanna and Akechi Kagura


First of all, thanks to everyone's cooperation, we were able to successfully complete the Akechi Kanna Succession Debriefing and Succession Reception 🙇🙇‍♀️ Thank you very much.

And now, with the deep understanding of our seniors, we have assumed the "Akechi surname" of Akechi Denki, as witnessed by the great Kinbaku masters and others involved who came to celebrate.
Kanna was presented as Akechi Kanna and Kagura as Akechi Kagura.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all of you for your warm support and encouragement that have enabled us to assume the name of this important name in the Kinbaku scene.

Thanks to the encouragement of our seniors, we have decided to become a married couple and carry on the name together.
We would like to thank the many people who have made a great effort on this occasion. We sincerely appreciate your warm support.
We would also like to thank all of you from all over the country and the world for your congratulations on our new beginning.
We were very happy that the festive flowers made the party more festive and joyous.
Thank you again for your kindness and grateful connections!

Although we are still in my infancy in terms of human, technical, and leadership skills, we will continue to devote ourselves to systematizing traditions and training successors so that the Akechi's name and achievements will be passed on to the next generation and beyond forever.

On the occasion of the presentation of the succession, our disciples gathered together for the first time in Japan to present their faces to the important people.
We could not have been happier with our first steps under the watchful eyes of our seniors, customers, students, and families!

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Izumiya san, SHIMA Shiko san, Kai san, AOI Marie san, ITO Mai san, Saikatsu san for their kind speeches of encouragement and support, ITO Mai san, YUI Namiko san, and MATSUMOTO Kosido for their special appearances, everyone in attendance, and all the members of the major Japanese Kinbaku schools such as Yukimura-ryu, Bakuyu-kai/Mumonbaku, Kazami-ryu, Ichinawa-kai, Yagami-ryu, Naka-ryu, and all the members of Kanna-ryu and Kannawa-kai.

In order to maintain the history and techniques left behind by our predecessors, we will maintain the vertical axis of tradition while crossing the horizontal axis of schools associations, and communities to engage in friendly competition to maintain, inherit, and develop a culture of Kinbaku.
With your help, we will continue to work to make the world of SM and bondage more exciting, and we would appreciate your continued guidance and encouragement🙇🙇‍♀️

Akechi Kanna & Akechi Kagura
September, 2022


神凪は明智神凪として、神楽は明智神楽として ご披露いたしました。


まだまだ人間的にも技術的にも指導力的にも未熟ではございますが、これからも尚一層精進し 、明智の名と功績を次の世代へもまた世代を超えて未来永劫残すためにも、伝承の体系化と後継者の育成にも日々努力を重ねて参る所存です。




神凪 & 神楽 改メ
明智 神凪 & 明智 神楽

Here is Marie-san's report on the day of the succession ceremony!

Mai-san and YuiNami-chan's beautiful and powerful stage performance was full of spirit, passion, and love, overwhelming everyone in the audience.
I was watching the show to see and accept the theme of the show, "Preparedness," which YuiNami-chan told me just before she went on stage, and I was so surprised, so grateful, and so moved by the various feelings that were put into it, that I couldn't stop the tears from flowing😭
Their stage for celebration are still filled with feelings I can't verbalize, so much so that I cry when I recall them.
I will never forget the shock of that moment, and I am sure that this feeling will support me in the future, as I am surrounded by the gratitude of people, including Marie-san, who hugged me and shared the feelings, and all the others who watched over us and pushed us💖
I really received something big that words can't describe‼️✨ And it was great that deshi were also able to experience this together.
This is something we would like to pass on to those we will meet through our activities and performances💓


The last group photo, it looks like a phantom show!

The rope was placed under that kimono as a "Nawa-geshō"(rope makeup). 
The kimono we wore this time is the first formal attire among the formal kimono. For this performance, we purchased a set of formal kimono for each and researched what was needed (It was a long list of very unique items!) as borrowed items could not be soiled. 
Stayed the day before, cleaned with the enema in the morning, prepared the rope, and asked the dresser to dress with prior approval about the rope and set the hair.
I was also slammed, and as a result, I didn't go to the bathroom for about seven hours.
The rope was also a body harness so that it would not be visible from the collar, and it was arranged in a "Kikkō"(turtle shell) in homage to Akechi-sensei's old video, and it's also put the crotch rope and hung the Fundoshi.
It was no longer a respectable SM play from beginning to end😆

Because it was a special day, we wanted everyone who came to enjoy it, and of course Marie-san came up with the idea of a big production like this surprise project! 
It was a surprise until the person who set it up forgot about it.🤣



The photo was taken by Sparks, a deshi who was observing a kimono dressing session.

The "kamidana"(altar) is getting crowded.
We framed a picture of Kanna's favorite sensei's bashful smile from among the photos given to Kanna by Izumiya-san at the recent memorial ceremony!
The shirt of the outfit worn by Akechi sensei, given to Kanna by Izumiya-san.
We also have a pair of crushed toe shoes that Mai-san has been using for many years while fixing them, and we keep them here. The toe shoes, which were also danced in front of Akechi-sensei, and Akechi-sensei was jealous and said he couldn't compete with that.

Here's another jacket from Akechi-sensei's Studio Phantom, given to Kanna by a long-time fan of Akechi-sensei from SAKURADA Denjirō-san's days.
New name logo written by a calligrapher.
A painting given to Kanna by a tattoo artist's deshi.
Festive two-handled sake barrel/keg("Tsuno-daru").

Special hand-dyed Tenugui commemorating the succession to the name, distributed as a token of our appreciation to industry professionals, regular customers, students, and all those who supported this event.
And commemorative Senja-fuda stickers with the new name given to all visitors to the second part of the ceremony event.

Words from deshi

Sparks/Supaku from Adelaide, Australia

Barrett from Salt Lake City, U.S.

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