Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Reopening of face-to-face salon☆ リアルサロン再開!

🎉Happy New Year 2023❣️🎉"Akemasite Omedetō gozaimasu!🙇‍♀️"
How did you spend the year-end and New year's holidays? (Because in Japan, there are soooo many traditional events, yummy foods, and looooots to do this busy term of renewal!)

Last year was a year of major milestones: marriage and succession of Akechi's name!
Thanks to the support of many seniors, people in the same industry, friends, family, and above all, SM, Kinbaku, and enema fans, worldwide, during the past year, we had a fulfilling year✨
We really thank you for being with us, and we hope you had an amazing year❣️🙏❤️✨

Due to the hectic schedule and my(Kagura's) physical and mental health problems, I have not been able to do much Salon work and have tended to be late in sending out information, for which I am very sorry and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you💦
I hope to update our social media frequently this year!

We wish you a peaceful and tranquil year and pray for the safety and peace of our family members, including those overseas.
This year, however, we will go back to the "Shoshin"(beginning/initial resolution), with a new name, and we will try our best to build up one by one, taking on external jobs without settling, so we feel that it will be difficult to be calm while making wind and waves.🤔💭

Wishing you all a wonderful New Year!
We would be honored to assist you in this regard💓

We look forward to your continued support and patronage of Kanna & Kagura and the Kanna-ryu members in the New Year.

Well, from this year, the Kinbaku salon in Hamamatsu, Shinbakuan, is back! It's back after 3 years!
The first salon of the New Year will be held tomorrow, January 5.
今年から浜松での緊縛サロン 心縛庵も復活!!3年振りの再開です!

This year we would like to do Kinbaku Social Salons in Tokyo and other regions, as well as off-line meetings for old Japanese house Kinbaku photo shoots and social gathering.
On January 9, Kinbaku Social Salon in Tokyo will be restarted, renting the station-front Studio in Sugamo, left by MIURA Takumi san, where former Bakuyū-kai had been held in!

Both are open to anyone who likes or is interested in SM or Kinbaku!
Let's have fun together♬♡

Date and Time:
February 5th 12:00-21:00(free to come and go as you please) You are welcome to join us on the day of the event!
1/5 12:00~21:00(出入り自由) 当日参加も大歓迎!
参加費 おひとり様¥3,000 カップル¥5,000

Participation Fee:
¥3,000 per person, ¥5,000 per couple
*You are free to bring your own food and drinks. You are more than welcome to bring food and drink gifts!

Atelier Shinbakuan located on the shore of Lake Hamana in Kanzaji, Hamamatsu City
*Details will be provided only to participants.
*If you are coming by car, nearby parking is available, so please inquire with us!
場所 浜松・浜名湖畔

For reservations and inquiries, please contact us at kannawakai☆ or
Kanna/Kagura's Twitter, Instagram DM, or LINE app!
*Kanna is easier to contact because of the busy schedule on the day.

💌ご予約・お問い合わせはkannawakaiあっとまーく 又は
神凪・神楽のTwitter, InstagramのDM、LINEから承ります!

Date and Time:
February 9th 12:00-18:00(free to come and go as you please) You are welcome to join us on the day of the event! *No reservation needed.
1/9 12:00~18:00(出入り自由) ご予約不要!当日参加も大歓迎!
参加費 おひとり様¥6,000 カップル¥10,000

Participation Fee:
¥6,000 per person, ¥10,000 per couple
*Only soft drinks will be available! You are free to bring your own food and drinks. You are more than welcome to bring food and drink gifts!

Sugamo Studio
2nd floor, 1 Chome-27-1 Sugamo, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 170-0002
場所 巣鴨 スタジオ

Q: What is a salon like?
Q: サロンてどんな場所??

We want to provide a place where SM and Kinbaku enthusiasts, regardless of age, gender, experience, S/M or D/S, can feel safe to open up their sexuality and genuinely enjoy themselves.
If you're interested in being tied up, tying up, or just chatting and socializing, beginners and singles are all welcome! We are a gender-free, LGBTQ+ friendly space.
It is a place where anyone can easily gather and freely come and go as they please at any time. It is a small and relaxed group, so participants can spend a pleasant time together over a cup of tea, chatting, tying, watching others shibari, exchanging information and interacting with each other.
If talking isn't your thing, just listening is fine! Please feel free to come and visit us☆
For those who wish, Kanna will offer Kinbaku session experience, Kinbaku photography, one point advice and mini lesson of Kanna-ryu!
Don't hesitate to ask us anything about rope making, maintenance, tying, experience, etc.!
If you can't make rope at home, you can also do the burning process.

⚠️The Salon will comply with all laws and regulations.
No one under 18 years old is allowed to enter
No public order and morals offensive acts other than SM are allowed.

We're available to perform and teach at SM and bondage related events, videos, shows, workshops, social events, photo shoots, etc. anywhere in Japan or overseas🙋‍♀️❣️
Requests from individuals and communities to come and to perform or teach to Kanna and Kagura are always welcome💕︎
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns🙇‍♀️❤️

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