Friday, January 26, 2024

Disposition of deshi and our stance on the issue/弟子の処分と問題についてのスタンス

Dear all, I wish you all the very best in the cold season.
拝啓 大寒の候、皆様におかれましてはご健勝のことと存じ上げます。

We're sorry to have to give you this sad news so early in the New Year, but we will tell you.

Concerning Barrett of Salt Lake City, USA, with whom we have had a master-disciple relationship for several years,
due to our lack of guidance and education, their dishonesty and avoidance in facing problems, we have decided to dissolve our master-disciple relationship as of 24 January 2024, as it is no longer possible to maintain our relationship under the current circumstances.

We sincerely apologise to the community, our regular supporters and all those who have visited or were planning to visit Salt City Kinbaku for any inconvenience or concern this may have caused.
We are very sorry for any inconvenience caused to all concerned.

I hope that they will be properly accountable, apologise and make amends to the people they have hurt, and that their future situation and life will improve with a serious commitment to looking at themselves and pushing themselves to change.

The Salt Lake City community will now be taken over and run by Indigo Moonlight, the co-founder.
We need your help, each and every one of you in the community, to create the Salt City Kinbaku of the future.
We, Kanna-ryu, will continue to support the community with sincerity,
We would like to ask for your continued support and cooperation in the future.

Sincerely yours,

Akechi Kanna

And here we republish what we previously (2022/03/09) posted on the online Kannawa-kai (members-only Fanicon).
Not only in this case, but also in expressing our stance on subsequent responses to the issue.
It was also a reminder and awareness-raising to spread the Kanna-ryu at the time.

As we have announced at salons and other events, we are now trying to form partnerships to expand Kanna-ryu with others in the same direction.(Kanna's goal is not to spread Kanna-ryu, but to preserve the legacy created by Akechi sensei, to pass on Akechi's name, and to share the joy of the rope!)
From now on, there will be more training journeys not only with the pupils, but also with the official instructors, apprentice Instructors, and apprentice pupils, as well as our students and their students.
[*There were so many problems in human relationship, both at this time and afterwards, that we got so tired of trusting people now. Therefore, our activities have changed since then.

We don't think anyone wants accidents or injuries, but we do think there are some happenings and mistakes that nobody want.
As some of you may know, we have several friends and acquaintances who are in the accountability process, or have left Kinbaku scene.
So we would like to reiterate our stance here again, and make it clear.

Kanna has always said that we are human and we make mistakes, but the most important thing is what we do afterwards.

Whatever happened, it is true that they contributed to the situation.(they were a factor in.)
[We may not know everything about what they may have done, but we're not here to talk about what is right or wrong, not now.]
There's no smoke without fire, and sometimes people make the fire bigger but the fact remains that they were the cause of the fire. How to put out the fire will be important.
They must acknowledge and accept their mistakes, honestly apologize and reflect on them, and from there, they must do what they can to regain trust again.
That's a lot of work, and it could take years. But we believe only those who did all the process properly will get a right for a second chance. Those who are sincere in their approach will gradually regain trust and gain friends and supports.
*It is important to note here that life can start over many times does not mean that they can start over in the same way with the same people and under the same circumstances.

They may have a period of time to refrain from activities in order to reflect on themselves and their deeds.
If they skip these process and just refrain from activities, people will only see it as an escape period! Order is also important to make sense. And Honesty is also important to build trust, so never lie!

Even if people who haven't done it right come back again with an innocent look on their face, the hearts of those who were hurt and those who cared about them have not healed, and trust has not resumed from where it was before!
It's easy to focus only on themselves because they've been through so much, but they should first consider the victims, friends and relations around them.
To do that, they'd better believe they're starting from a minus, not just a zero, in building trust relationship. They must never forget to appreciate those who support them in such circumstances, and they must never do anything to betray them.
And If they repeat the same mistakes, then they are truly irredeemable, unrepentant fools.

For all,
You are free to do whatever you want in your private life, but if you are going to be active professionally in the public eye, we believe that these things are really important.
We're in the business of tying people and working with people. We can't work with people who don't care about hurting people.
Riggers and Professionals and teachers are responsible and must consider the impact.

If you are a rigger, you have to be able to capture your partner's feelings, state and desires in taking care of their body.
We don't want a selfish person who only asserts themselves without considering others to have a rope.

If you are in the position of a teacher, you want continue to work hard to become someone who is respected and to continue to be such a person.
Teachers must always be more humble, studious and ambitious to progress and improve than their students.

If you are a professional, you have not only your skills you got and are using, but also someone who supports you, who may be pushing your activities in ways you don't know or can't see! Remember, there may be people out there who are asking and apologizing on your behalf.
It is really not good to be arrogant enough to think that you alone can do the job on your own! 
You may be what the audience sees on stage, but you don't deserve to be on stage if you forget to appreciate and respect the many people working behind the scenes to make it a success!

In growing Kanna-ryu, adding more members to the family is a big risk that is very difficult to take on. Because it would be joint responsibility.
Of course, there is no challenge without risk. But it is not enough for us to be careful. We need our family members to have the same mindset.

Time is finite, and we want to use it for the people we care about, and we care as much as we can, but we can't care about everyone all the time.
To protect the people and communities we care about, sometimes we have to exclude someone, not because we're mean or discriminatory or anything.
Hopefully, we will all see each other with a smile sometime in the future!
[Some people have lost contact with us since reading this, it's a great shame...
The future is up to you, so we hope you'll do your best now.

There's a lot going on in the world, but we've always believed that Hentai will save the world!!
May everyone be more Hentai, happier and more peaceful✩.*˚

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